CCLRC Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
February 9, 2016
Meeting was called to order by Patty Gallagher at 6:36.
Present: Patty Gallagher, Pat Collom, Christine Tye, Chris Bunch and guest Brent Frame.
Absent: Katy Bazurto, Robin McBain, Candy Templeton, Tim Chong, Steve Schwartz
- Secretary Report–January minutes were approved as submitted by Candy Templeton.
- Treasurer’s report—Bank balance $6,503. Monthly update submitted by Pat Collom.
- Legislative Liaison Report—no activity
- Membership Report – Renewals Update – Chris Bunch to send reminders. New applications from Megan Cooper, Jen Thomason, Wesley Walker
- 2016 Board of Directors process—nominations / volunteers for Board of Directors needed. 2 positions open. Patty to send communication to general membership asking for volunteers.
- Supported Entry at Sun-Maid Kennel Club was a nice success!
- Working Certificate weekend will be May 7/8. Board approved Pat Collom to order birds. Pat sent a flyer with details.
- Specialty—Christine Tye reported all systems GO! Premium is up at Sharon’s website and postcards mailed.
- Hunt test 2017—Brent Frame is making progress toward the possibility of partnering with another club. Brent also reported on venues and costs. Good progress.
- Proposed Revise Constitution / By Laws—proposed changes 5-10 sent by Patty were approved by the board for submission to general membership. Final proposed changes will be discussed at March meeting.
- Obedience / Rally C Match on January 17 a nice success. 30 dogs with their human folks from CDOG, FDTC and members and friends of CCLRC. Net cost ($125). Next event Fall 2016.
- AKC Canine Legislative Support Fund was discussed and agreement that we will not donate at this time.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20.
Next CCLRC Board meeting March 8, 2016 @ 6:30
CCLRC Board Meeting Minutes: January 12, 2016
Via teleconference
The meeting was called to order at 6:36 pm by President Patty Gallagher
Present: Patty Gallagher, Candy Templeton, Katy Bazurto, Pat Collom, Christine Tye, Robin McBain and Chris Bunch
Absent: Tim Chong and Steve Schwartz
Treasurer’s Report: Balance as of 12/22/15 $6,575.00
Secretary’s Report: December minutes approved as changed by Patty Gallagher and resent by her in this new format.
Legislative Liaison: None
Membership: Second reading Jeanne Collier. 14 members have renewed so far.
Sun Maid Supported Entry: Prizes have not arrived.
Working Certificate: Candy to look into blinds and bird boxes to be purchased before next May.
Newsletter: None
1/17/16 C Match in Sanger: Expense to be 325.00 less entry fees. Candy requested that the expense be put in budget for next year and that the board work on all event budgets for 2016.
Shamrock Specialty: Christine Tye to schedule next specialty meeting and report next board meeting. Robin needs class sponsors. Meet and greet reception for all 3 days’ judges after judging on Saturday.
Old business: Not for profit status and insurance shopping were tabled for now.
Old Business: The first of the proposed Constitution revisions were sent to the board in December. Those revisions agreed to by the board. Patty to send the second group of proposed revisions to board for input soon.
Old Business: Getting a debit card for purchases to make it easier to make purchases for the club and to take credit card purchases on line and at the Specialty. Brent has finished the process with Square and sent reader to Pat Collom.
Old Business: AKC marketplace to be monitored by board members to see if it will be helpful.
Old Business: Brent continues to look into JH AKC event and what the possibilities are. Candy is assisting. Candy sent Jason’s information.
Old Business: Insurance. Tabled
Old Business: AKC Ambassador Program. Tabled.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:59 pm.
The Next CCLRC Board Meeting will be February 9, 2016
857-216-6700 Code 271292 moderator 6815
Meeting at 6:30
CCLRC Board Meeting Minutes: December 8, 2015
Via teleconference
The meeting was called to order at 6:36 pm by President Patty Gallagher
Present: Patty Gallagher, Candy Templeton, Katy Bazurto, Pat Collom, Christine Tye, Robin McBain
Absent: Tim Chong, Steve Schwartz and Chris Bunch
Treasurer’s Report: Balance as of 10/23/15 $6,835.00
Secretary’s Report: November minutes approved as read.
Legislative Liaison: None
Membership: First reading Jeanne Collier.
Sun Maid Supported Entry: None
Working Certificate: Candy to look into blinds and bird boxes to be purchased before next May.
Newsletter: None
Shamrock Specialty: Christine Tye to schedule next specialty meeting and report next board meeting
Old business: Not for profit status and insurance shopping were tabled for now.
Old Business: The first of the proposed Constitution revisions were sent to the board in December. Those revisions agreed to by the board. Patty to send the second group of proposed revisions to board for input soon.
Old Business: The first of the proposed Constitution revisions were sent to the board in December. Those revisions agreed to by the board. Patty to send the second group of proposed revisions to board for input soon.
Old Business: AKC marketplace to be monitored by board members to see if it will be helpful.
Old Business: Membership application changes looking into by Candy and Christine to see if we want to propose provisional status. No meeting was set up.
Old Business: Brent continues to look into JH AKC event and what the possibilities are. Candy is assisting.
Old Business: Insurance
Old Business: AKC Ambassador Program. Tabled.
New Business: 1/17/16 C Match in Sanger. Co-Sponsored with Clovis Dog Obedience Group (CDOG). Looking into venues—not settled yet. We will rent equipment from Fresno Dog Training Club ($50). Entry fees will be $5 per dog per class which will offset expense to some degree.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:31 pm.
The Next CCLRC Board Meeting will be January 12, 2016
857-216-6700 Code 271292 moderator 6815
Meeting at 6:30
Board members if you are not able to call in please email everyone on the board.
Submitted by Candy Templeton
CCLRC Board Meeting Minutes: November 10, 2015
Via teleconference
The meeting was called to order at 6:37 pm by Vice President Katy Bazurto
Present: Patty Gallagher, Candy Templeton, Katy Bazurto, Pat Collom, Christine Tye, Robin McBain and Chris Bunch Guest: Brent Frame
Absent: Tim Chong and Steve Schwartz
Treasurer’s Report: None
Secretary’s Report: October minutes approved as changed.
Legislative Liaison: None
Membership: Autumn Davidson and Bonita Von Dehn second reading. Congrats to the new members.
Sun Maid Supported Entry: We will work to get some chatter going to build a major for this show!
Newsletter: None
Newsletter: None
Shamrock Specialty: Christine Tye to schedule next specialty meeting and report next board meeting
Old business: Not for profit status and insurance shopping were tabled for now. Constitution revisions will be addressed in December. All board members need to ready to discuss the highlighted items that Patty sent out. Patty to resend.
Getting a debit card for purchases to make it easier to make purchases for the club. Credit card processing for the auction and other club sales. Pat, Steve, and Patty to contact bank to get it set up with the Square app.
New Business:
AKC marketplace to be monitored to see if it will be helpful.
Membership application changes looking into by Candy and Christine to see if we need to do provisional status.
Brent to look into JH AKC event and what the requirements are. RDOD has not had much support from club membership—hopefully something new and different will appeal.
C Tye to look into a dog CPR event as she has a vet that will provide kits.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 pm.
The Next CCLRC Board Meeting will be November 10 2015
857-216-6700 Code 271292 moderator 6815
Meeting at 6:30
Board members if you are not able to call in please email everyone on the board.
Submitted by Candy Templeton
CCLRC Board Meeting Minutes: October 13, 2015
Via teleconference
The meeting was called to order at 6:37 pm by President Patty Gallagher
Present: Patty Gallagher, Candy Templeton, Katy Bazurto, Pat Collom, Christine Tye
Absent: Tim Chong, Steve Schwartz, Robin McBain, Chris Bunch
Treasurer’s Report: Pat Collom has taken over this role from Steve Schwartz. We thank Steve for 10 YEARS of great work as treasurer!
Secretary’s Report: September minutes approved as read.
Legislative Liaison: No update
Membership: Autumn Davidson, DVM and Benita J. von Dehn, DVM First reading
Sun Maid Supported Entry: No update
Working Certificate: Candy look into blinds and bird boxes to be purchased before next May.
Shamrock Specialty: Susie and Candy to do the breakfast. C Tye to send out requests to members to do a silent auction table and request for help. Candy is doing (Is there a doctor or dog in the house) We are on schedule with the AKC application.
Old business: Not for profit status and insurance shopping were tabled for now. Constitution revisions will be addressed in November. All board members need to ready to discuss the highlighted items that Patty sent out. Patty to resend.
Getting a debit card for purchases to make it easier to make purchases for the club. Credit card processing for the auction and other club sales. Pat, Steve, and Patty to contact bank to get it set up with the Square app.
New Business: AKC marketplace to be monitored to see if it will be helpful. Membership application changes–Candy and Christine to see if desirable to add provisional status. Brent to look into JH AKC event and what the requirements are. We are considering doing a new event as our past Responsible Dog Ownership Day events have not had very many helpers or attendees. C Tye to look into a dog CPR event as she has a vet that will provide kits.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:41 pm.
The Next CCLRC Board Meeting will be November 10
857-216-6700 Code 271292 moderator 6815
Meeting at 6:30
Board members if you are not able to call in please email everyone on the board.
Submitted by Candy Templeton
CCLRC Board Meeting Minutes: September 8, 2015
Via teleconference
The meeting was called to order at 6:36 pm by President Patty Gallagher
Present: Patty Gallagher, Chris Bunch, Candy Templeton, Katy Bazurto, Robin McBain
Absent: Tim Chong, Pat Collom, Christine Tye, Steve Schwartz
Treasurer’s Report: None
Treasurer’s Report: None
Secretary’s Report: August minutes approved as read.
Legislative Liaison: None
Legislative Liaison: None
Membership: None
Sun Maid Supported Entry: Christine Tye for Saturday judge. Sunday Ann Sabory Boolus
Working Certificate: Candy to look into blinds and bird boxes to be purchased before next May.
Newsletter: None
Shamrock Specialty: It will be the March 20th weekend. Patty Gallagher to ask Christine Tye for a speciiality meeting.
Board member: Steve Schwartz resigned as treasuer.and vote was held to have Pat Collom be treasurer. Passed by board members present. Steve to remain a board member.
Old business: Not for profit status and insurance shopping were tabled for now. Constitution revisions will be addressed in Oct. All board members need to ready to discuss the highlighted items that Patty sent out. Patty to resend.
Getting a debit card for purchases to make it easier to make purchases for the club. Credit card processing for the auction and other club sales. Pat, Steve, and Patty to contact bank to get it set up with the Square app.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:17 pm.
The Next CCLRC Board Meeting will be Oct 13, 2015
857-216-6700 Code 271292 moderator 6815
Meeting at 6:30
Board members if you are not able to call in please email everyone on the board.
Submitted by Candy Templeton
CCLRC Board Meeting Minutes: August 11, 2015
Via teleconference
The meeting was called to order at 6:41 pm by President Patty Gallagher
Present: Patty Gallagher, Christine Tye, Chris Bunch, Candy Templeton, Steve Schwartz, Katy Bazurto
Absent: Tim Chong, Pat Collom, Robin McBain,
Treasurer’s Report: None
Secretary’s Report: July minutes approved as read.
Legislative Liaison: Whittier voting on mandatory spay law that is similar to Los Angles law.
Membership: None
Sun Maid Supported Entry: Chris B. to follow up with judge selection.
Newsletter: None
Shamrock Specialty: Contracts have been sent out.
Old business: Not for profit status and insurance shopping were tabled for now. Constitution revisions will be addressed in Sept. All board members need to ready to discuss the highlighted items that Patty sent out. Patty to resend.
Getting a debit card for purchases to make it easier to make purchases for the club. Credit card processing for the auction and other club sales. Pat, Steve, and Patty to contact bank to get it set up with the Square app.
New business: Steve is stepping down as treasurer. We will have to revise the by-laws if Ed Collom takes the position.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:17 pm.
The Next CCLRC Board Meeting will be Sept 8, 2015
857-216-6700 Code 271292 moderator 6815
Meeting at 6:30
Board members if you are not able to call in please email everyone on the board.
Submitted by Candy Templeton
CCLRC Board Meeting Minutes: July 14, 2015
Via teleconference
The meeting was called to order at 6:31 pm by President Patty Gallagher
Present: Patty Gallagher, ChristineTye, Pat Collom , Candy Templeton, Steve Schwartz, Guest Brent Frame
Absent: Tim Chong, Chris Bunch, Katy Bazurto, Robin McBain,
Treasurer’s Report: $7,550.80 balance. 792.97 was CCLRC Specialty expense.
Secretary’s Report: June minutes approved as amended.
Legislative Liaison: No report
Membership: Second reading Marla and Dirk Layer. Welcome to new members.
Sun Maid Supported Entry: No news
Working Certificate: Motion to approve $500.00 to buy bird boxes and blinds. Approved. Candy to finish looking in to the purchase. Noted that $150.00 was raised from Candy to purchase blinds.
Working Certificate: Motion to approve $500.00 to buy bird boxes and blinds. Approved. Candy to finish looking in to the purchase. Noted that $150.00 was raised from Candy to purchase blinds.
Shamrock Specialty: BOB judge Jan Roger Sauge – Mambrino Labradors, Norway. Waiting on contract for judge number 2. Sweeps judge Lorraine Yu – Mistypoint Labradors.Will be formally announced when AKC approves the event. Need judge suggestions for 2017. Need ideas for lunch for the show as we will be hosting that. Bizarre Bizarre aution suggestion to have a table for stud dogs. Candy and Christine to discuss.
Old business: Not for profit status and insurance shopping were tabled for now. Constitution revisions will be addressed in August. All board members need to ready to discuss the highlighted items that Patty sent out. Please contact patty if you need that resent.
New Business: Getting a debit card for purchases to make it easier to make purchases for the club. Credit card processing for the auction and other club sales. Doing a training and CGC certificate event.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.
The Next CCLRC Board Meeting will be August 11, 2015
857-216-6700 Code 271292 moderator 6815
Meeting at 6:30
Board members if you are not able to call in please email everyone on the board.
Submitted by Candy Templeton
CCLRC Board Meeting Minutes: June 9, 2015
Via teleconference
The meeting was called to order at 6:39 pm by President Patty Gallagher
Present: Patty Gallagher, ChristineTye, Pat Collom, Chris Bunch, Robin McBain, Candy Templeton, Steve Schwartz, Katy Bazurto
Absent: Tim Chong
Treasurer’s Report: $8,183.77
Secretary’s Report (Robin): June minutes approved as amended.
Legislative Liaison: No report
Membership (Chris Bunch): First reading Marla and Dirk Layer. Monica and Brent Frame and Karen Spooner are new members.
Sun Maid Supported Entry : No news
Working Certificate:
Shamrock Specialty (Christine Tye): Christine and Pat sending invites and contracts to judges. Once confirmed they will be announced.
Old business: Not for profit status and insurance shopping were tabled for now.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 pm.
The Next CCLRC Board Meeting will be July 14, 2015
857-216-6700 Code 271292 moderator 6815
Meeting at 6:30
Board members if you are not able to call in please email everyone on the board.
CCLRC April Board Meeting Minutes: April 14, 2015
Via teleconference)
The meeting was called to order at 6:36 pm by president Patty Gallagher
Present: Patty, Christine, Pat, Chris, Steve, Robin
Absent: Tim Chong, Shelley Ellison, Jen Bailey
Secretary’s Report (Robin): March minutes approved with one correction: Georgia Baba’s name.
Legislative Liaison (Chris Bunch): N/A
Membership (Chris Bunch): Second reading: Sonya Dudder, Laura and Moe Dickenson—accepted as members. First reading: Sherry Manning, Elaine Dalbon, Cindy Ellis. Lisa Colombani will be sending in application. Once membership renewal and new members are resolved we will send out a roster.
Prospective Board Members (Patty): Four members were discussed and voted on. Robin McBain is stepping down as CCLRC Secretary but will remain on the board. Responsible Dog Owner Day: will fall under the responsibilities of the Public Education Coordinator. The following is our new Board:
- President: Patty Gallagher
- Vice President: Katy Bazurto
- Secretary: Candy Templeton
- Treasurer: Steve Schwartz
- Public Education Coordinator: Pat Collom
- Open Board Members: Robin McBain, Christine Tye, Chris Bunch, Tim Chong
Board members are expected to attend the next board meeting via teleconference!
Sun Maid Supported Entry (Chris Bunch): judges: TBD
Working Certificate (Pat Collom): We have 11-13 people signed up, 19 dogs total. We have not heard back from San Joaquin yet. Pat will get the final count next week and will go to the Clubhouse shortly and see how much water there is. Gunners, pigeons and ducks have all been arranged.
Newsletter (Pat): will be coming out soon
Shamrock Specialty (Christine Tye): Was a great success financially and from an enjoyment standpoint. We will have a debriefing Tuesday April 21st at 6:30pm. Specialty results with photos to be published in the next LQ (Robin will submit).
Treasurer’s Report: (Steve Schwartz): We currently have $8,785.73 in the treasury. Patty Gallagher reports $3,014 was made from the silent auction this year.
Old business: CCLRC Donation recipient this year was discussed and it was decided by vote to donate $200 to Lab Rescue of Fresno, as we did not make the usual $100 donation last year to a local dog charity. There was no other old business.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 pm.
The Next CCLRC Board Meeting will be May 12, 2015
CCLRC March Board Meeting Minutes—March 10, 2015
(via teleconference)
The meeting was called to order by President Patty Gallagher at 6:36 pm
Present: Patty, Pat, Chris, Christine, Shelley, Steve, Robin
Absent: Jen, Tim
Secretary’s Report (Robin): February’s minutes were approved as corrected.
Treasurer’s Report (Steve): The club received 20 checks and cash for the Specialty in the amount of $815. Georgia Baba was paid $1,774.61 for judge’s hotel and flight expenses. Judge Nancy Talbott will be staying in another hotel and her expenses are $90 for hotel and $160 for gas.
Legislative Liaison (Chris): Long Beach has passed a mandatory spay and neuter ordinance. Notice was received after the voting.
Membership (Chris): First readings: Sonya Dudder (Dolce Vita), Laura Dickenson (Candyview).
CCLRC Board of Directors: 3 openings at this time, we all need to invite those likely candidates, and reach out to general membership.
Old News: CCLRC gives an annual $100 donation to a dog-related organization, presented at RDOD.
Shamrock Specialty (Christine): Star Spangled Banner will be handled by Nancy Tanner, recorded version. Christine to bring 80 pounds of corned beef for our dinner! Desert: sheet cake with Paddy on it, Robin will have made and bring with her Saturday. It was decided dinner will be free for all, exhibitors and family. Chris Bunch will be helping with stewards and extending prizes. We need to thank people who donated to the class prizes, written notes. Ed Collom will be bringing 4 cases of water, 2 cases of beer, and ice. Stewards and board members will be wearing green, and Robin will look for green shamrock necklaces to bring. Patty will have a $25 Starbucks card for Dan Welle for doing security Saturday night.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:31 pm.
Next CCLRC Board Meeting: April 14, 2015
CCLRC February Board Meeting Minutes—February 10, 2015
(Via teleconference)
The meeting was called to order by President Patty Gallagher at 6:37 pm
Present: Patty, Shelley, Christine, Pat, Chris, Steve, and Robin
Absent: Jen, Tim
Secretary’s Report (Robin): January’s Meeting Minutes were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report (Steve): Currently there is approximately $5600 in the CCLRC Treasury. $600 was recently paid for our annual liability insurance premium. $400 was paid for deposit for the Specialty.
Membership (Chris): 41 members have renewed their membership; 14 are still not renewed.
SMKC Supported Entry (Chris): Entries were down this year but it still pulled a major in bitches! The buckets donated by CCLRC were a big hit. The breakfast hosted by CCLRC (Pat, Chris, and Katie) was also a big success. We need to let Tim Sullivan (SMKC) know our judges submission for 2016 as soon as possible. It was decided to wait until after our specialty to discuss.
Quickbooks Update: A motion was made that we abandon purchasing Quickbooks and run our own finances with Excel. The motion was seconded, and agreed upon unanimously.
Specialty Report (Christine): The Specialty Committee will be meeting by teleconference next Tuesday, Feb. 17 at 6:30 pm for a Specialty “dress rehearsal.” Judges for the 2016 Specialty will be discussed after this year’s specialty.
WC (Pat): There is now some water at the facility. LRC dictates that there be “swimming water” level (up to the dogs’ shoulders) to hold a WC, and we hope to have that. Pat has reserved May 2nd and 3rd and ordered ducks and pigeons. There will be a practice day ahead of time, TBA.
Old Business:
- The board approved emailing the Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes to the general membership, after approval by the board the following month.
- Board Membership Nomination in March: We discussed contacting the general membership about joining the Board, and will contact them regarding any changes or what direction they would like to see the Club go.
- CCLRC Shamrock Specialty flyer will be sent out to SJVLRC and all CCLRC members (Patty).
- Dan Welle has agreed to do security for SJVLRC and CCLRC Saturday night.
There was no further business to be brought before the club.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm