The CCLRC holds a weekend long event in the Spring for the purpose of preparing and testing for a Working Certificate. This is a fun weekend where we are able see our dogs demonstrate their natural retrieving instincts.
Testing for both the Working Certificate (WC) and Working Certificate Excellent (WCX) are offered.
For 2016, our WC weekend will be held on May 7-8. Check here for details.
Performance Requirements for an Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. Working Certificate (Labrador Retriever Club Inc. By-Laws, Article VI, Sections 2 & 3)
To be eligible for a Working Certificate a Labrador Retriever must be six months of age and demonstrate the following:
- The dog is not gun shy.
- The dog will retrieve a shot bird at 50 yards on land in light cover.
- The dog will retrieve two ducks from swimming water (if available) in immediate succession, to prove willingness to re-enter the water.
- Steadiness is not required, so a dog may be held on the line.
- These requirements may be satisfied by completing a WC test held by a local specialty club; by acquiring an AKC Junior Hunter (or higher) title; by completing land and water back-to-back series in an AKC licensed field trial; or by completing successfully one AKC hunt test provided that the dog shall have met the requirements set forth above. The owner of the dog is responsible for making arrange- ments with the hunt test/field trial judges and the hosting club BEFORE the test/trial, and for providing a form (see sample at the end of the brochure) for their signature to verify the “pass” upon completion of the test.
Important Guidelines for the Evaluation of a Dog’s Performance in a Working Certificate Test:
- The WC is A TEST OF NATURAL RETRIEVING INSTINCT. It is not a marking test. It is not to indicate the extent of training the dog has received
- Tests are generally run on pheasant and ducks but pigeons and ducks are acceptable. AKC recommendations and local rules on the use of live birds should be followed. One bird may be a shot flyer if safe and feasible.
- In the land test, the bird should fall in light cover.
- Water tests should be set up to show courage to re-enter the water. Angled entries, excessive dis- tances in the water, and “lines” set far back from the water are to be discouraged.
- The dog need not be steady; the collar may be held until the dog is sent to retrieve. Line man- ners are not to be judged. Handling is not permitted.
- Although delivery to hand is not required, the word “retrieve” in the performance criteria means that the birds should be returned to the handler. Ac- cordingly, it is suggested that an area of delivery within easy reach of the handler be established by the judges before the test.
- There is no dress code; white for gunners and handlers is traditional. Verbal calls and/or shot(s) may be used to get the dog’s attention, shot timing to be at the judge(s) discretion. Duck calls & decoys are not to be used. Wingers are at the club’s discretion. Gunners are to remain visible.
- There is no dress code; white for gunners and handlers is traditional. Verbal calls and/or shot(s) may be used to get the dog’s attention, shot timing to be at the judge(s) discretion. Duck calls & decoys are not to be used. Wingers are at the club’s discretion. Gunners are to remain visible.
Who Can Judge a Working Certificate Test?
Any Director of the LRC, Inc., or any judge of an AKC licensed field trial (need not be a point judge; may have judged only a minor stake,) or any judge of an AKC licensed hunting retriever test may officiate at a Working Certificate Test. Only one judge is needed; two are permitted.
Who May Hold a WC Test?
Any local Labrador Retriever Club or other organized group may sponsor a WC test as long as the judge(s) meet the LRC, Inc. requirements for such a test. Tests for individuals may be set up if the judge, gunners and required facilities are agreeable and no other group testing is available.
Which Dogs Are Eligible To Receive a Working Certificate?
Any AKC registered Labrador Retriever which is six months of age or older and which success- fully completes the Working Certificate test un- der the LRC Inc rules or has completed an AKC hunt test or field trial title is eligible to receive an LRC Inc Working Certificate. The dog’s owner must provide the LRC, Inc. with the veri
fication materials and fee described below in order to receive the certificate. It is not necessary to be a member of LRC, Inc. or to have a championship in order to obtain the Working Certificate.